Background Information

Over half the population living on earth, including Australia, have experienced poverty in their lives. The two types of poverty are:

  • Absolute poverty-severe lack of basic human needs such as, food, clean water, shelter, hygiene, clothing, education, and health care.
  • Relative poverty-economic equality (the gap between the rich and the poor) in society in which we live.

People who suffer in Australia usually suffer with relative poverty. Poverty increases the risk of homelessness and there are any homeless people in Australia. Thriteen percent of Australans live in poverty-that is 2.86 million people approximately. There are people out there who can give from what they already have but think that they will waste the money or needs given on drugs or alcohol.

1.8 billion people worldwide (approximately) live in absolute poverty. Countries internationally that suffer with poverty include, Democratic Republic of the Congo, India, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Burundi and many more. In Liberia, 85% of the population lives with an income of $1 or less a day. What also is not commonly known, is that there are over 100 million street children worldwide, even in countries with a high gross income.

The war in DR Congo: behind the slaughter and looting stand imperialist interests - IBRP


Spaßmaschine, 2010, “The war in DR Congo: behind the slaughter and looting stand imperialist interests – IBRP”, [], (14/11/12)

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